UN West Papuan Act of Free Choice 1969 a Sham:
To appease Indonesia invaded Dutch New Guinea and threaten war:
West Papua Genocide Continues 2018:
Call for Indonesian UN Arms Embargo & Sanctions now:
There will be a rally:
- Outside Channel 7 Studio Sydney, Corner of Elizabeth and Martin Place at 0800 to 0915, 23th May 2018
- ABC Studios, 700 Harris Street Ultimo, Same day, 1000 -1200 noon.
Damning USA and Australian Government evidence presented. UN Charter, Indonesian Constitution and International Law reaffirms colonialism is illegal. West Papua is currently an illegal colony of Indonesia.
Our politicians cannot obey the High Court of Australia or the Australian Constitution on Dual Citizenship. Their corruption speaks volumes. Nothing is more heinous than conspiracy to pervert the cause of Justice and regarding war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. Complicity in the gang rape of women, torture of children and mass murder by a foreign power. East Timor, Balibo Five, Roger East and now the slow motion genocide of an indigenous population in West Papua by the Indonesian military and Police. Trained and funded by the Australian Taxpayers. Democracy is dying in Indonesia, and its becoming a terrorist state run by the Military and the Javanese Elite Nationalists.
See research links below:
Fool Me Twice East Timor. UN Arrest Warrant issued for Wiranto
West Papua Massacre Indonesian Human Rights Commission
Biak Island Massacre 6th July 1998. Covered up by Australian Defence Signals Directorate. Indonesian commander Wiranto responsible for the massacre.
We call upon all Indonesians who believe in Pancasila (Bahasa Indonesia: [pantĘ asila]) and democracy to counter Indonesian military corruption and the slaughter of West Papuans.
Security Minister Wiranto welcomed recently to Australia as an honoured guest of the Australian Government. Now responsible for the slow motion genocide in West Papua today.
Let's not forget the Charles Taylor case. International Criminal Court Case: http://www.rscsl.org/Taylor.html
Free West Papua Party Australia is calling for an UN Arms Embargo on Indonesia and Sanctions until the West Papua slaughter stops.
We are calling for a Royal Commission into our so call friendly Relations and National
Security Lombok Treaty with Indonesia.
War crimes cover up.
Anthony Craig
National Leader
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