Anthony Craig |
Paul Madden, the outgoing Leader, needed to step down for personal reasons but still remains a member of the Party Committee and gives his full support to Anthony and the new leader.
Please join us in giving Anthony your full support as together we free West Papua. The FWPP now has some 350 members and we need at least 550 members to register the party and increase our pressure on the Australia Government. Please contact to become a member today. Membership only costs $1 and you are helping to free our close neighbour from oppression.
The Australian Government is complicit in the oppression and genocide of West Papuans and it is the purpose of the FWPP to change the heart of the Australian Government and free West Papua. Anthony Craig has been a leading advocate for West Papuan human rights and freedom for many years. He was one of the first members of the FWPP and has been a passionate loyal supporter since the beginning. Anthony was the natural choice to take over the leadership of the Party and the Party Committee gives Anthony their full support.
West Papua, Merdeka!
Paul Madden,
Out Going Leader of the Free West Papua Party of Australia, December 2016