Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Response to The Australian Prime Minister, Mr. Turnbull’s First Speech

After listening to Mr. Turnbull’s first speech as Prime Minister I feel it appropriate to respond on behalf of all those that seek West Papua’s freedom.

The Australian Government Could Not Care Less

On 28 September 2015 around 7pm (Papua local time) in the Culverts Complex in Timika, West Papua, Indonesian Police shot 2 Senior High School Students. Kaleb Bagau (18 years old) died on the crime scene and Efrando I.S. Sabarofek (17 years old) was shot in his chest and leg, and he is in critical condition in the hospital. According to the local residents, the two were reported to the police as their fathers are members of the Free West Papua Movement (OPM). The police came with 3 police trucks, 15 motor vehicles, 3 Avanza capsul vehicles, surrounded the Complex, the boys were scared and as they ran, they bumped into the group of police and were shot.

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Response to the Statement ‘West Papua solidarity movement rejects Reclaim Australia’

In July 2015 a public ‘Statement’ was signed and published by some 40 ‘Signatories’ titled ‘The West Papua solidarity movement rejects Reclaim Australia’. A key purpose of the ‘Statement’ was to discredit the Free West Papua Party (FWPP) and request its dissolution because the FWPP chose to speak at a Reclaim Australia rally.

The challenge with movements such as the freedom of West Papua is that they attract people who for one reason or other actually retard or even sabotage the movement. The movement tries to progress but with the retarding, and sabotaging, progress is slow.  Many of the ‘Signatories’ due to their territorial behaviour must take full responsibility for the underachievement that they have overseen over the past 30 years.

Here is a link to FWPP’s response which includes recommendations on how the whole movement can move forward.

It’s time for the FWPP to respond to the ‘Statement’ because the misinformation being propagated by the ‘Signatories’ is hurting the West Papua freedom movement within Australia.

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Do we need the Free West Papua (political) Party (FWPP)?

Do we need the Free West Papua (political) Party (FWPP)?

There are several different ways Australians are trying to support West Papua, for instance: